Sunday, October 6, 2013

Special Report #2

I went for a walk yesterday, up the hill a bit.  After a couple of hours I got to the headquarters of the Uluguru Nature Reserves.  It was locked because it's the weekend, but I got some really nice views.  I don't know if I'll be able to make a connection here and actually go on a full hike up to the top of the mountain (they say it's an eight hour round trip hike), but at least I got up to the gate.

Everybody at home is doing okay.  I talked to them yesterday and earlier today.  They went on a campus visit to UIC and liked the place.  They must have changed the place a lot since I went there for several painful trimesters.

I'm still working on my Swahili.  I am making very slow progress, and sometimes I accidentally throw in some Greek.  It is kind of too bad that I probably won't get to use it again.

My other personal goals are Quarterly Dates, New Job and Gold Award for the BSA district for which I'm the District Commissioner.

Working on my new job, well, I'm looking into applying to an on-line grad school.  We'll see how we swing that.  I'm thinking of something that could translate into work use.

I've tried to get in touch with the Tanzania Scout Association (TSA) with no success so far.  I have been in communication with the Scouts back home and trying to do what I can to help them get along without me.

My computer broke down and my internet connection is non-existent during the work day.  It's been a bit of a struggle, but I can Skype which is a great comfort, being able to see my lovelies at home.


Anonymous said...

Love that you can take walks and tour the area; sounds like it's really nice countryside. So, Evee is looking to go to UIC? Too bad about your computer but glad you can Skype with our lovelies. How much longer do you have before you return? So you are the District Commissioner - I'm impressed. You all take after your Dad in one way or another. Love you all sooooo. Auntie Char xoxoxoxo

Inner Prop said...

She was looking into into UIC, but she's been accepted to Roosevelt and she really wants to go there.